sâmbătă, 8 decembrie 2012


                               Anxiety and   relationships
    There are many people who suffer from social anxiety at some point in their lives. Social anxiety can be situational for some, while for others, social anxiety can be intrusive in their lives and impair social relationships. Social anxiety is also often higher among introverts and those who were considered shy as children. Social anxiety in teens and adults can lead to avoidance of social situations which cause a person to feel anxious. Social anxiety varies greatly among those who are affected by it, however, and coping with social anxiety should be tailored to an individual's level of social anxiety.

     There are a number of ways to ease the anxiety symptoms which accompany social anxiety. Many adults learn to cope with social anxiety, or overcome the degree of social anxiety when the issue is addressed thorough self-help methods, or professional counseling. Those who are severely impaired from social relationships or social situations due to a high degree of social anxiety should seek professional help. Others, who deal with low to moderate levels of social anxiety may find the following tips helpful.

     1. Identify the Source of Anxiety

One of the most important factors for decreasing social anxiety reactions is to figure out the root of what may be causing the social anxiety in the first place. Childhood memories and experiences with social anxiety may hold the key for some people, while others may be dealing with social anxiety due to self-image or self-esteem issues. Once the root of the social anxiety is discovered, ways to deal with social anxiety can be tailored to fit.

    2. Take a Deep Breath

Deep breathing exercises, where one inhales deeply and takes deep cleansing breaths before exhaling slowly, can be helpful for lowering anxiety levels before entering social situations which cause increased stress. Deep breathing exercises are designed to produce a sense of calmness, which can be helpful for those who are ready to attempt to enter a social anxiety provoking situation.

    3. Take Baby Steps

Overcoming or coping with social anxiety is not often done in giant leaps. People who deal with social anxiety cope better when they take baby steps in decreasing their anxiety in certain social situations. If the goal is to attend a large party, practice beforehand by going to smaller social events. Small steps will increase confidence levels and help to prepare for more anxiety-provoking social situations.

    4. Become Aware of Self-Talk Messages

Social anxiety is often made worse by the messages people send themselves cognitively. Self-talk, also known as the messages we tell ourselves, can hinder progress with coping if self-talk messages support negative beliefs. If self-talk messages are sending negative thoughts, anxiety will likely increase. The key is to be aware of those self-talk messages in social situations, and replace the negative thoughts with more affirming and positive thoughts.

    5. Enlist a Familiar Person to Assist in New Situations

Social anxiety can be decreased for many people when they are not entering a social situation alone. Friends, relatives, or anyone who can be supportive are good to have around when entering a new social situation. Social anxiety can be decreased when a person feels comfortable, and a familiar person can be a great help to those who have anxiety about certain social situations.

    6. Positive Affirmations

Many of the fears people with social anxiety have can impair them from developing social relationships or going to social events. Social anxiety, unfortunately, must be dealt with in many situations where people have no choice but to attend. Class presentations, public speaking, mandatory parties or celebrations, and work duties may require those who suffer from social anxiety to be present. Positive affirmations can be helpful and writing down a few affirmations on an index card or posting some at home may help some people to cope with anxiety.

    7. Fake it

One of the most priceless words of wisdom for those who are affected by social anxiety is the idea of pretending to be confident, even when anxiety is underneath the surface. Faking a sense of confidence often leads to a decrease in anxiety when one realizes that the situation is not as bad as imagined. Many people get social anxiety at times, and when all else is impossible, faking a sense of calm or comfort may actually work.

    8. Find Distractions

Another way to cope with social anxiety is to create some distractions. Once anxiety symptoms start, create a distraction, shift your mind and thoughts to something else, and try to stay with the new thoughts. A distraction can be as simple as thinking about what you want to do tomorrow, calling someone on your cell phone, or paying attention to something else that does not make you feel uncomfortable. Focusing on the anxiety will only increase it.

    9. Rehearsals

Practicing or role playing how you plan to act in a certain social situation can help some to decrease their level of anxiety. Rehearsing how you want to act in specific social situations can help to prepare for the actual event. If a goal is to meet someone new in a social situation, practicing making small talk with a friend can be helpful and build confidence.

    10. Avoid High Anxiety Situations
Avoidance of certain social situations may not sound like a good coping tip, but there are times when certain social situations may cause too much anxiety. Walking into a social situation that is causing significant anxiety ahead of time may not always be the best idea until you are able to relax more and feel comfortable enough to handle the situation. The most important part is to know your own triggers and which situations are on the high end of anxiety, and which situations are moderate or low level anxiety situations. Coping with lower level social situations successfully can build the confidence to attempt those situations which are higher on your list of anxiety-provoking situations.http://gad.about.com/od/selfhelp/a/relprobs.htmhttp://www.psyclinic.ro/Anxietatea%20sociala,%20fobia%20sociala.html

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