duminică, 13 ianuarie 2013

Salt Curative Properties

          Salina Praid is a salt mine and it’s situated in Praid, Harghita county, near the right edge of Transylvnian region. Coming from West, Praid (Parajd) is “the gate of Harghita county“. Here the valley narrows more and the mountains are really close.

The Basin of Praid is situated on the East coast of the Transylvania Basin ("a huge salt cellar") at the base of Gurghiu Mountains, that forms a micro region so called "The zone of Salt Mines". The geographical zone of the salt mines is unique in its way and the name of "The salt region" comes from the salt mine of Praid. The first document with this name appears in the XVIII-th century, where are inventoried the pastures from the zone. The Basin of Praid lays around the "Hill of Salt" that contains Praid village and the two another "salt villages": Ocna de Jos and Ocna de Sus. The basin has a triangular form and is oriented at the South to Corund village and at the north-west to Sovata. The basin of Praid is separated from the rest of Transylvania by the following hills: Sálas - Firtus (1062 m), Fiasmál ( 983 m ), the stone of Cusmed (991), the stone of Siklód (1025 m ). The Hill of the Salt is called by the local people "salt back" (the highest point - 576m), covers the biggest salt body from the country, its roots are buried underground at 2,7 - 3km in depth. In horizontal section the salt diapir has an elliptic form, with diameters of 1,2 - 14km and in vertical section has a huge mushroom shape. This irregular form is a characteristic of the salt bodies from Transylvania. (for ex. the salt body from Ocna Mures)



              The underground treatment is based on breathing in the air in the mine, being very benefic for the treatment of the respiratory diseases, such as asthma, bronchitis and allergies. The lenght of a treatment is of 18 days.The underground treatment may be enjoyed at the "50" horizon, at 120 m depth from the surface. During the time spent in the mine, it is reccommended to take long walks or to do the exercises prescibed and supervised by specialists. The treatment is perfect for all persons between the ages of 2 and 60.According to statistical data all visitors that enjoy the treatment at least 3 or 4 times can feel its benefic effects and the resistence of the bofy is increasingi.Therefore Praid has a hospital and three consulting rooms. The visitors are accomodated in hotels, at local families or in the hospital.



INDUSTRIAL SALT (salt for roads)

Main quality characteristics: NaCl min 96,00% Insoluble max. 2,00% Range: 0-4 mm, over 4 mm max. 5% 0-2 mm, over 2 mm max. 5% On demand it may be treated with antianglomerate (Fe (CN)6 K4) Usage: chemistry, textile and leather industry, road defrosting Package: 50 kg bags, 10 kg bags, 1 ton big-bags The qualitative parameters and the package is negotiated according to the consumer needs.



Main quality characteristics: NaCl min. 98,50% Insoluble max. 0,06% Weight 10-12 gr. Diameter dimensions 25 mm, height 10 mm Usage: reducing water hardness Package: 1 kg box, 2 kg box, 40 kg bags The qualitative parameters and the package is negotiated according to the consumer needs.


BATH SALT foaming, perfumed, relaxing

 Usage: pour a quarter of the bottle's content in the bath tub and fill the tub with warm water, at high pressure in order to form the foam. The 20-30 minute bath will provide a relaxing effect, purifying your skin. Content: salt, foaming agent, perfume, colorants.


BATH SALT relaxing in 5KG package

Usage: pour a 1kg from the package content in the bath tub and fill the tub with warm water, at high pressure in order to form the foam. The 20-30 minute bath will provide a relaxing effect, purifying your skin. Content: salt, foaming agent, perfume, colorants.


     Coming from West we can call Praid (Parajd) " the gate of Harghita county". Here the valley narrows more and the mountains are really close. This countryside is a real paradise for all those nature lovers who don't limit only to sightsee it from the cars or coaches.
Praid is the biggest municipality from Harghita approximately 4000 people). There are other 3 smaller villages belonging to Praid : Ocna de Jos, (Alsósófalva), Ocna de Sus (Felsosófalva) and Becas (Bekastanya). In the whole municipality there are living approximately 7250 people.
In the center of the town there is an intersection, where you can reach the Bucin Pass through North and Gheorgheni town (Gyergyoszentmiklos) at 51 km . At South - East is Corund (Korond) and Odorheiu Secuiesc (Szekelyudvarhely) at 38 km.
This basin of Praid is limited at North -East and at South - East by the Gurghiu mountains (Gorgenyi havasok) and by the Siklod Hill at the South - West through Harom. Side.

marți, 1 ianuarie 2013


         To make a relationship work, it must be clear to both partners that a relationship is, in fact, work. Love is a wonderful emotion, and to know love with another person is to have the basis of what it takes to make a relationship work. But having love without work is like having a really nice car without gas... you're not going to go anywhere. Any lasting and successful relationship requires work to keep it moving forward and only if you work towards maintaining the following traits can you truly understand how to make a relationship work.


    Communication is paramount when it comes to making a relationship work. Many couples believe that one partner should know what the other is thinking and then should act accordingly... this is nonsense.

While you should know your partner well enough to know what your partner needs to some degree, we are not mind readers, and to truly get what you want or need you must communicate that. You cannot assume that your partner will somehow know exactly how you like to be loved if you've never communicated this information implicitly. To know how to make a relationship work is to know how to talk.

    Honesty and Trust

   These traits go hand in hand in making a relationship work. You have to be honest to your partner in order to gain the trust you desire. You also have to know how to trust your partner. Many couples mistake having an issue about what's appropriate to having an issue with trust. People in committed relationships should understand the difference.

To clarify, if you're not comfortable with your partner hanging out in strip clubs Thursday through Sunday every weekend does not mean you lack trust, it just mean that that type of behavior is not necessarily appropriate for someone in a committed relationship.


   To make a relationship work, you must have loyalty to your partner. You support your partner, always, especially in the company of others. Never show "dissension in the ranks", so to speak. Any disagreements the two of you have must be settled behind closed doors. If you want your relationship to work you need to keep all unnecessary parties out of you and your partner's business.


   Appreciation is key in any relationship. To make a relationship work, you must genuinely appreciate your partner, and take every opportunity to show your gratitude. The worst feeling to have in a relationship is to not feel appreciated. Don't be stingy with the "thank you's" and the "I love you's". Snuggle up to a movie at the end of the day and randomly massage your partner's feet because you know they've worked hard all day, whether in the home or at the office.

   These are just a few important traits to make a relationship work. While many others exist, following these few will get any couple off to a great start and send them well on their way to a long and happy relationship.

     Although it can be difficult to maintain a harmonious relationship of the couple, it's worth to try.